Church of Christ in Lancaster (Junction City, Oregon)

The church of Christ meets in Lancaster at the following times.

Bible Study Sunday Morning: 9:45
Worship Sunday Morning:  10:45
Bible Study Sunday Evening in fellowship room 4 p.m. winters and 5 p.m all other seasons
Bible Study Wednesday  4 p.m. winters and 5 p.m. all other seasons.

Weekly Gospel Radio Program: Each Sunday at 3:30 p.m. on KORE 10.50 on the dial, Springfield, Oregon.  This is one of the oldest running Christian radio broadcasts in the area.

Click here for information about the weekly Ladies Bible Class and fellowship.

Call 541-998-1944  for information,  or Stan Sherman  541-998-8989 for directions, personal Bible Study, or other inquiries.

Click here to read the preacher's Web-Log.

To study about the gospel and the Lord's church, go to World Bible School, This study is recommended for local people in the Lancaster, and Tri-County area. If, after going through a World Bible School online study you are interested in further information on obeying the gospel, please contact us.